Common Diseases:
There are many diseases that affect the orange, like any other living things and other crops.
1-The Fruit Fly: It is an insect that cause damage to the fruit. It appears as a small dot on the outside peel, and it has stages until it enters to the inside of the orange and consequently the orange get rotten>
2-The Across: It is not a disease, it is just a misshape in the outside peel, and it doesn’t affect the inside of the orange.
3- Greasing: It happens to all of the citrus. It is a physiological matter which makes the surface of the peel get down and that increases the availability to be rotten.
4-Scratches or scars: It may be caused by any sharp thing, as it cuts the outside peel of the orange, and this reduces the shelf lifetime of the orange and make it faster.
Those are the most common diseases. Being aware of them, helps you not to be deceived and to know what is suitable for you and what is not suitable.
Al-Ashraf cares about your health and your satisfaction, so Al-Ashraf never put any fruit that may cause any rot. Be sure that any specification you want, you will find it with Al-Ashraf for packing and exporting citrus and agricultural. Honesty is our direction to your trust.