Just like any agricultural crops, orange fruit has many types and can be eaten in many ways, and of course it can be drunk. It can be juice, marmalade and even marinade. It depends on the type of the orange, as each variety boasts its own unique flavor and appearance. And here are the most famous and the most exported types:
1-Navel Orange:
It has a signature mark on the bottom which makes the Navel orange the most recognizable one of all types, as this signature looks like a belly button. Being without a lot of seeds, Navel orange is an excellent choice for snacking on raw or adding on salad. It is also suitable for juice, as long as you are going to drink it immediately. Some people use its peel in making cake, bread or muffins, using its flavor to fresh the appetite. Navel orange’s taste is known by sweetness with slight bitterness. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=390515742867644&id=100057276639408&sfnsn=scwspwa
2-Valencia orange:
The king of orange juice. As it is used mainly for juice production. It also can be eaten as long as you keep an eye on the seeds in it. Its delicious taste and internal color make the Valencia orange desirable for the fresh fruit markets. It is the most wanted type of orange. If the Navel orange is known by its bottom signature (the navel, or the belly button), the Valencia orange is known by its seeds. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=230196298899590&id=100057276639408&sfnsn=scwspwa https://www.facebook.com/237329746356303/posts/4532274576861777/?sfnsn=scwspmo
3-Baladi orange:
Egyptian Baladi orange is the most type similar to Valencia orange and it is used only for juice. The Baladi orange is different from Valencia orange in the Brix level, as Baladi orange is higher than Valencia orange in Brix level. https://www.facebook.com/ALashraf.For.Export/videos/276811850786818/?sfnsn=scwspmo
These are the most exported types around the world. And here in Al-Ashraf for packing and exporting citrus and agricultural, we have all of these types and we can export any type of them. So, don’t hesitate to ask about what you want.